Netball Northern Ireland is committed to deliver a service that promotes good practice and protects children from harm. Members and staff within Netball NI accept and recognise our responsibility to develop awareness of the issues that may cause children harm.
Our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy covers a wide range of child-centred service areas, which include:
The Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy is for children, parents, supporters and all those who work with children including full-time, part-time, casual staff, Coaches, Board Members, volunteers and external service providers. Those specifically in regulated activity roles will be required to complete the relevant recommended safe recruitment process, including AccessNI checks, agree to the NNI code of conduct and attend safeguarding training.
For the purposes of this policy a child is defined as a person under 18.
Karen Rollo
Safeguarding Lead with Performance Focus
M: 07738 947389
Lisa Rickett
Deputy Safeguarding officer with a schools & Club Focus
M: 07850102761
Lisa Venney
Board Safeguarding Champion
Jade Blair
2nd Board Safeguarding Champion
All coaches and volunteers working with children and young people in Netball NI events or programmes are required to have a valid netball coaching certificate, from UKCC, Netball NI or equivalent awarding body; as well as a Safeguarding Children and Young People certificate. This should be updated every 3 years to keep in line with current best practise.
Check your local council sports development unit for upcoming courses in your area.
Sport NI have launched a Safeguarding Refresher course for individuals who have previously attended a Sport NI Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport course within the last 3 years. A new certificate will be issued to those who successfully pass the online Safeguarding Refresher course. The on-line course is available at the following links safeguarding ( or Sport NI Courses
When you apply for certain jobs or some voluntary positions, you may be asked for an AccessNI check. Standard and enhanced checks must be applied for through your registered body (for Netball NI, this is the Northern Ireland Sports Forum).
Enhanced check through a registered body.
An enhanced check discloses an individual’s full criminal record, giving:
- Spent and unspent convictions
- Relevant cautions, informed warnings and other non-court disposals from the Police National Computer
- Information held by the Disclosure and Barring Service
- Information held by the police that is relevant to the role applied for
Enhanced checks are normally needed where the applicant will work or volunteer in a role providing services to or having close and regular supervision of children or vulnerable adults.
All Netball NI staff and volunteers, including coaches and officials, must have an Access NI disclosure to work.
If you have any queries please contact Lisa Rickett on
Go to
Before beginning you must have with you:
- The following PIN Information (505547)
- Your address(es) for the last five years
- Your National Insurance Number
- Your Driving Licence and Passport Numbers (if you have these documents)
- ID Validation Form signed and returned to Netball Northern Ireland within 90 days of completing the Enhanced Check.
Once your account has been created, you can use this for future applications.
Netball NI need to verify your ID in person. You need to complete a ID Validation Form Current 29-02-24 NN PIN Notification & ID Validation Form NISF (noting the application number from your enhanced check) and provide 3 documents to accompany this form from the lists given in the validation form back page.
It would assist us if you could provide a photocopy as well as the original document.
“Three documents should be produced in the name of the applicant; one from Group 1 and two from Group 2. If this is not possible, then four documents from Group 2 should be produced, one of which being a birth certificate issued after the time of birth. At least one of these documents should be photographic identification.”
Remember that you will need to provide the documents to have them certified before NISF can progress through final stages of the check.
Contact Lisa Rickett ( to arrange general netball coach validation or to arrange performance pathway coach validation.
An application costs £10 per volunteer, this is to cover administration at Northern Ireland Sports Forum, who will invoice Netball NI for all checks done for us.
Online transfer by BACS is preferable – please state your initials and Access NI as the reference in the payment details.
Bank Name – First Trust Bank
Sort Code – 93 82 03
Account No – 11538002
Acct Name – Northern Ireland Netball
Alternatively, cheques should be made payable to Northern Ireland Netball.
Please note that your applications will only be progressed once we have received both appropriate documents and payment
Due to the updated Access NI system, if we have not received your ID Validation Form within 90 days of you completing the online Enhanced Access NI Check, your check will be removed and you will have to restart the process again.
Your certificate will be available to access from your online account on the Access NI website. This can then be shared as required.
Netball NI support the NSPCC & Childline’s aim to raise awareness and understanding of the issues concerning young people in sport.
If you are concerned that a young person is at risk of harm or abuse, don’t wait until you’re certain – contact the NSPCC helpline for advice and support on 0808 800 5000, by emailing or text 88858.
If you are under 18 years or younger, you can call Childline direct to talk about anything that is worrying you. They are open 24/7 and talking to them is totally free.
Call 0800 1111 or visit their website where you can have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email to one of their counsellors.
“Childline is a service provided by the NSPCC. Registered charity numbers 216401 and SC037717.”
As parents of any budding netballer, you are by default a cheerleader, taxi driver, kit washer and take on many other tasks that you maybe didn’t realise were involved with supporting your daughter’s participation.
Netball NI supports Parents in Sport Week, an annual campaign run by the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU). The campaign aims to highlight the important role parents play in youth sport – from helping to keep children safe, to encouraging them to take part and stay active.
This year’s theme is ‘Let’s talk about keeping children safe in sport’ and the aim is to raise awareness amongst parents of the types of things clubs should have in place to keep children safe and how parents can get help with any concerns.
During #ParentsinSportWeek parents are asked to let your child know you understand how much their sport means to them by making the 3 promises in the Sports Parents Promise:
- I promise to listen to you if you have any concerns about your sport
- I promise to learn how your club keeps you safe and what I can do to help
- I promise to make sure that I set a good example and support you and your team mates in a positive way
Find out more information and resources on the CPSU website.