News,  Schools,  Secondary

Secondary Schools 24-25 affiliation NOW OPEN


Secondary Schools affiliation for 2024-25 and the years competitions are now OPEN with the deadline of Fri 5th July 2024.
All affiliation forms should be returned via email (with payment via BACS) to Rachel Barr – OR completed and brought along with payment to the schools forum in person on Tues 25th June.
All previously affiliated schools ( from 23-24 year)have been sent these details directly, but can also download the form below.
Please also see reminder details of the Secondary Schools Forum below
Schools forum reminder-
Schools Forum 2024 will take place for affiliated schools as detailed below
Time:       11-1pm
Venue:      Lecture Theatre, Antrim Area Board building , Antrim ( across from Antrim Forum L.C)
Date:       Tuesday 25th June 2024
This forum will be taking place in the lecture theatre which has a set number of seats so we need all those attending to confirm by way of registration via our sportslomo platform online via the link below.
If you have any questions or issues please contact Rachel Barr via email: or – Lisa Rickett –