Read the full Independent Performance Review Summary here!

Given the timing in the World Netball major events calendar, Netball NI investment position with Sport NI and changes within the performance staff team, alongside not securing qualification for the World Cup, this was an opportune time to review not only the international competitions but to assess where NI are across the wider performance programme and infrastructure, seeking support to develop practical actions in line with resource and capacity that will best prepare us for moving forward.

Netball NI appointed Mel Mansfield –Former England player 1993-1998, Former Superleague HC, UKCC Level 3 coach, Director of Netball & Senior Lecturer at University of Hertfordshire, to complete the review on our behalf. Mel’s experience in pathway and performance netball programmes, coach mentoring and NSL technical specialist, made her an ideal candidate to provide a strategic and operational oversight of our position and make recommendations to enable progress.

30 + individual consultations were carried out including coaches (u13 club, pathway u13/15/17/21 and EM / Warriors coaches) Netball NI employed staff, club coaches, selectors, board members, performance staff (TM, PA, S&C) Combination of face to face and online. Warriors Player group (17 players) plus individual senior players.

Read the full Independent Performance Review Summary here!