Our Umpiring and Technical Officiating courses have been designed to help you to develop the skills you need to become a qualified Umpire or Technical Official. On this page you will find the opportunities that best suit your needs whether it ends with you officiating at a Netball World Cup or achieving your own personal goals to support Netball where you live. This will be a journey you are going to really enjoy and one where you will meet fantastic people, all whilst enabling our fantastic sport to be played.
The Introduction to Umpiring course is designed to give the Learner the essential Rules knowledge prior to attending the C Practical Umpire course. It is delivered as modules and you can enjoy learning from the comfort of your own home. This resource will start you on the umpire pathway; introducing you to the rules, techniques and skills required to be an effective umpire. Hopefully, you will enjoy the modules and you will be motivated and informed enough to take the next step to developing your umpire skills through the C Practical Umpire Course.
Perfect for those that want to get to know the basic rules of netball and to start their officiating journey.
Complete all E-learning Modules.
Minimum age: 13
Members must be affiliated to Netball NI
Course Cost: £35
If you wish to book a place on the Introduction to Umpiring, please click HERE
The C Umpire Course is perfect for those who wish to umpire at lower league divisions/junior level or school competitions.
- Course duration: 6 hours
- Pre course work: Introduction to umpiring course E learning modules
- Course practical day: 6 hours
After you attend the course you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the rules
- Identify the requirements for Netball Europe C Award
- Demonstrate correct use of whistle, voice and terminology
- Begin to use recommended hand signals
- Apply basic umpiring skills to identify and penalise infringements
- Understand and demonstrate how correct positioning and appropriate movement skills will enhance vision and impact positively on decision making
- Demonstrate the ability to identify Contact that interferes with play
- Understand the importance of the Game Management process
- Understand the requirements for Assessment
- Understand the requirements for Assessment theory and practical.
Once you complete the initial course the next step is to complete C Theory Assessment (online) and then the C Practical Assessment.
Requirements of Entry:
- Affiliated Member Netball NI
- Minimum Age:13 to attend the Course, 14 for Assessment
- Online Introduction to umpiring
Theory and Practical assessment must be completed within 1 year of the course date.
The B Umpire Award is perfect for those that have gained their C Umpire Award and are looking to progress along the Umpire Pathway.
Course duration: 6 hours
Pre course work: Record of matches umpired/regular revision of the rules
Face to face delivery: 6 hours
On completion of the course, individuals should be able to:
- Apply the different levels of knowledge and skills between a Netball Europe C and B Award umpire
- Know and apply the rules in more demanding contexts and increase confidence when umpiring in more challenging environments
- Use recommended hand signals to illustrate decisions made
- Apply Match Protocols/Match Guidelines
- Apply advantage appropriately
- Show an increased understanding and application of the umpiring techniques of Positioning, Vision and Timing and an ability to show good movement skills
- Recognise the difference between Contact that does or does not interfere with play
- Utilise effective Game Management techniques
- Understand the requirements to progress along the Umpiring pathway
Once you have completed the course the next step is completing your B Theory Assessment and then the B Practical Pre Assessment & B Assessment.
Requirements of Entry:
- Affiliated Netball NI Member.
- C Umpiring Award. Minimum of 1 year’s experience or have been Talent Identified by Netball NI assessor.
Minimum age:
- Candidates must be age 16 or over to attend the B Umpire Course
- C Umpire Award